Highfield’s First Aid Handbook is a popular resource with first-aid trainers delivering emergency first-aid qualifications and their learners.
Designed to provide a simple, easy-to-understand guide for emergency first-aiders or those studying towards a qualification, it is full of up-to-date information, engaging illustrations and real-life images that bring context to learning.
The book has been written by a leading first-aid trainer and former military medic and contains plenty of ‘Helpful Hints’ to help you become a better first-aider.
Product overview
We’ve recently updated the First Aid Handbook to include content requested by our customers. This includes exercises that cover the most important parts of the syllabus.
The book covers:
- the role and responsibilities of the first-aider
- assessing an incident
- managing an unresponsive casualty
- the respiratory system
- wounds and bleeding
- shock
- seizures
- dealing with minor injuries
- other injuries
- Title: First Aid Handbook
- Authors: John Morley and Christian Sprenger
- Pages: 52
- ISBN: 978-1-912633-72-2
- Illustrations: Full colour illustrations & photos
- Format: A5 firm back, gloss finish
- Published: May 2021, 8th Edition
Ideal for those taking an Emergency First Aid at Work Course or wishing to learn more about first aid.